Praying Through the Word of God
The most basic Christian disciplines that are important and impactful to the life of a Christian is in the reading of the word of God and prayer. As a Christian, you find your purpose and drive for life through the Bible and through hearing what God has to say about your life. One of the most prevalent and common questions by Christians is how to hear from God. This question indicates that a lot of Christians have the desire to hear what God has to say but do not understand how this usually happens. It’s important to understand that the Christian life is unique in that your understanding of the word of God and your prayer life has a great impact on how you live your everyday life. The Christian life is a life that is lived through faith and not sight and is also completely dependent on God’s instruction. For someone seeking to understand how this can be, this is the right place where you get to know how to employ Scriptures on Healing and Health in your prayers and also apply them in your everyday life.
The first thing to know is that God is faithful to His word. He responds and answers prayers that are spoken in line with the scripture. Before we go deeper into this issue, it is important to first dispel the misconception that only long prayers are impactful. They could be but only if they are in line with the Bible. This is why Jesus calls out the Pharisees for making long meaningless prayers that were just meant to be a show off. Now, if you want to learn to pray right, begin by reading the word of God. From this, you can actually begin to make confessions and prayers that are in the will of God. As I said early, God responds to his word and one very sure way to hear from God is by reading his word. As you do so, certain scriptures will just speak to you in a special way that assures you that God is actually speaking to you. Your response in prayer is a show of faith in God’s word that he truly follows to accomplish.
All Scriptures on Healing and Health are important and meaningful in one way or another. Some will be for encouragement and others will serve to rebuke and correct you just in case you were headed in the wrong direction. Other scriptures offer guidance when you find yourself in a dilemma and reading them is God’s way of speaking to you. Once you have read the word, it becomes easy to make prayers that are not only meaningful but also in the will of God. This is the surest way to ensure a vibrant and impactful prayer life. Reading the Word of God also puts in a better position of understanding where you are able to distinguish between right and wrong and are able to know what to do in certain situations. Through reading the word and praying through it you get the confidence to face certain situations boldly.